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Главная » 2014 » Январь » 1 » Solutions simples de chaussures - ce qui est nЁ¦cessaire T
Solutions simples de chaussures - ce qui est nЁ¦cessaire T
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http://mecanormal.be/Live.Contact.asp - Doudoune Moncler Femme|Veste Moncler Homme Soldes|Moncler Pas Cher That is what the New-Brunswick Court of Queen's Bench decided in its judgment R. v. Losier, rendered this year. This case was an appeal launched by the Government of New-Brunswick to contest a previous decision of the provincial court on the duty delegated to police officers that obligates them to inform the public of their language rights. The Language Rights Support Program (LRSP) granted financial support to Mr. Serge Alain Losier, represented by his lawyer, Mr. Marco Cloutier, to defend himself before the Court of Queen's Bench against the government's appeal. The decision of the Court of Queen's Bench to confirm the police officer's duty to inform represents, for official language communities in New-Brunswick, a true victory with regards to the recognition of their language rights and equal status of English and French in this province.

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