You can’t generalize wireless keyboards being bad. I find a wireless keyboard at home a big plus, as sometimes I use my computer on a desk + monitor, while sometimes in a comfy chair front of a HDTV. Can just have one keyboard and move it wherever I need.If you want a long distance (10 meters) and stronger encryption then you’d go for more expensive bluetooth devices. Hey man, that’s alot for your software. I wanted to know if I can get the xml file… I dont have it. Thanks man. Hi I’m interested in the pickup truck crane to lift motorcycles. How do i get pricing and availability? I don't know which is better being that I wasn't alive back then, but it's a question I ask people who were there frequently. Most actually say early 80s. What I wouldn't give to experience Disneyland of the past. It must be amazing for those who have been in each decade. As a former RadioShack employee who was “asked to quit” because of my refusal to sell cell phones, I say to hell with you. I would never step foot in a Shack again, and I advise my friends to steer clear of your stores on a regular basis.Obviously RadioShack exists to shove overpriced and under-performing technology on to ignorants consumers. They hire ex-Sprint and ex-Verison kiosk drones over tech-savvy people for a reason: they want everyone that walks in the door to buy a cell phone contract.Use an online retailer or support your local small business. Don’t shop at The Shack. - must have android apps