I had a blast swimming. Took DS1 with me and we went on the waterslide afterwards so it was brilliant I feel shattered, my legs are like jelly, so I guess it must have worked the target area. I didn't read the note about kickboarding until I came home but I did about 10 minutes or 'cycling' in the water with just my legs (ie holding onto the side of the pool) and I think that really helped. Definitely going to make it a regular thing. Meow I always cook with olive oil, never canola or anything else. Is it bad for me to cook with olive or is it just that I have destroyed the goodness (ie a null rather than negative effect)? Im kind of interested in testing my new leatherworking skills on making an early style sporran (ie - rob roy style) Any one have a pattern for such a thing or know of any? Im picking up my custon leather sheath tomorrow for my first attempt at knife making, a dirk inspired dagger. I'll try really hard to see if I can find someone with a digi camera to take some pics. Some of you may have been experiencing a double POST on your P8P67 series motherboard whereupon after powering on the system from a cold boot, the board will power on and then immediately reset itself before it actually POSTs and shows any display on the screen. IпїЅll explain the fix below and give some information about why this happens. First, I would like to stress the importance of flashing the BIOS to the latest BIOS revision as listed on our support website, You can access the ASUS EZ Flash tool from within the UEFI (advanced options, tools) to flash the BIOS from any removable device such as a USB flash drive. From time to time we needed to implement full resets in order to maintain stability due to the architecture of the Sandy Bridge platform. For instance, the system may require one full reset when the PCH power has been cut during S5 power state. To fix the most common additional reset (double POST when powering on from off state), enter UEFI BIOS -> go to пїЅAdvancedпїЅ tab -> go down to пїЅAPMпїЅ, press Enter -> enable the пїЅPower on by PCIe.пїЅ function. Then press F10 to save & exit. After save & exit, let the system boot into Windows or other OS, then perform a proper shutdown: Start button -> Shut down. You will no longer have the double POST. We will fix this in an upcoming BIOS release. Great help from all of you! I will not forget the rules! Thank you. Mexine When you shut the top your computer goes into hibernation mode and it sounds like it is not waking up when you hit the power switch. As long as there is power it will stay in hibernation.